Books and Media on and About the Grenada Revolution
Many books have been written and media prodcued about Grenada and the Grenada Revolution, the events leading to its collapse and the US invasion, which finally killed it off. They have normally followed a simplistic narrative in which there was a good side who were challenged and defeated by “hard liners” with the leadership of the Revolution.
In life things are more confused and nuanced. Attached are a selection of recent publications and media produced by some of the Revolution’s participants and historians. These give their account of the momentous event of the Grenada Revolution. We urge you to read these, and other accounts, and come to your own view.
Timeline, Written by Noreen and Alan Scott and published by the Committee for Human Rights in Grenada UK in association with Caribbean Labour Solidarity and Grenada – Forward Ever. This details the events leading up to the tragic killing of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop on the 19th October 1983.
2023 10 29 – Timeline of events in October 1983
Media of the Revo’, Grenada’s History and Future
We are building a page containing a range of media content relating to the Revo’, Grenada’s history and future. Whatever views you hold feel free to contribute your piece or link to us at
We welcome any corrections, additions and amendments to our articles, posts and calendar entries. To do so please contact the Secretary of Grenada – Forward Ever at mob’ +44 7401 625 276 or email: