There is a noticeable absence of significant persons from the Caribbean who are celebrated online. Grenada – Forward Ever is working to amend this poor situation. To do this we are curating the names of individuals who have contributed to the development of Grenada and the Caribbean.
For this, we will need your help and assistance. If you have any bio’s please let us know via +44 7401 625 276 or email: All contributions welcome.
Phyllis Coard – “A Comrade Sister”:
Following her death in September 2020, writers from across the globe have paid tribute to “Comrade Sister” Phyllis Coard. Ranging from friends, supporters, family members, academicians and others, the plethora of articles have shone many lights on the achievements of this amazing woman, who served humanity in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Grenada and elsewhere. British readers were provided with a fulsome testimonial by Jacqui McKenzie on the 3 October 2020 in the Morning Star newspaper.
Claudia Jones:
Noteworthy Caribbean women are not overlooked when history is written, they are ignored. Whether inscribed by Caribbean men or others, the narrative is often about male leaders and intellectuals of the region. With this in mind, we explore the achievements of another Great Caribbean Leader, Claudia Jones.
Coming soon…
To supply the names and dates of other women, men and events significant to Grenada’s place in the world please email the Secretary of Grenada – Forward Ever at the email address below.
We welcome any corrections, additions and amendments to our articles, posts and calendar entries. To do so please contact the Secretary of Grenada – Forward Ever at mob’ +44 7401 625 276 or email: